Monday, July 29, 2013


We arrived! Late, very late Saturday night. In fact it was early Sunday morning before we were snuggled into beds. We woke up Sunday and headed to Willow Creek Church for their worship service. Amazing. So huge! The worship was wonderful although felt more like a concert ;) 

After church we headed to my parents for lunch. Thanks mom and dad! We fueled up and dropped off the little traveler (Parker) with grandpa and grandma. We made a quick stop at the airport for Courtney and headed to trinity college. 

We arrived at trinity for dinner and a wonderful worship service. We are excited to head out to our projects!! After worship we headed to some improv and open gym...then collapsed into bed around 11:15.

Monday, July 22, 2013


this years SERVE theme is to just be.

on sunday, church commissioned the youth group for our chicago trip. youth unlimited provided a powerful litany for our send off.

"By just being with God, we find what our spirits long for, and we receive the power to be Christ to others."

"We want to learn how to just be with you so that we can receive your gifts of grace and
then use those gifts to make a difference in this world for your kingdom. Help us to move from living as humans doing to become human beings"

please pray that we would "just be" this upcoming week. that we would be in the moment, be in His presence, be in His word, be in prayer. pray that our (the youth group) hearts would be open to God and His plan.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


in nine days, the hsyg will board a plane to chicago. nine days. wow. summer is flying by and the trip we have been planning for so many months is almost here. i am excited. excited to see these group come together and love on chicago, love on it's people, love on each other, new friends. i'm excited to see God work in our lives and the lives of those we come in contact with. i am praying that we would be open to His will and His way. praying that we would let go of our agendas and focus on His.

i'm not sure what each day will bring but i am certain it will be wonderful.

for those of you who want to learn more about youth unlimited and what we will be doing...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


hey everyone! welcome to the bcrcyg blog! 
as the high school prepares to head off to chicago (less than two weeks! eek!) i thought it would be neat to have a way for parents, grandparents, church family, everyone, etc. to check in and see what we have been up to! i hope this will be a better, more up to date way for people to see what the yg is doing and will be doing. my hope and prayer is that this blog will be a way to document what the Lord is doing in the lives of the youth group and those we come into contact with, and bring glory to God.

so be sure to check back often, leave some words of encouragement, and enjoy the ride.