Thursday, October 31, 2013

fall fun night!

last night was fall fun night!! the theme was disney! we gathered to eat pizza, play silly games, eat doughnuts hanging from the ceiling, and lots of candy!

enjoy the pictures!

 the group

 let the games begin...

if anyone has more pictures and would like to share please email them to me and I add them to the blog!

Monday, October 14, 2013


this saturday the hs and jh gathered to do some work. manual labor. yup they took time on a saturday to do yard work. not for their parents, friends or grandparents but for a woman they barely know. 
we pulled up to the house around 11 on saturday morning. imagine seeing a house on the corner lot...lots of land...lots of weeds, lots of over grown bushes, trees, plants. it was overwhelming. we quickly divided up and got to work. i'm sorry i forgot to get before pictures!

we pulled weed after weed, trimmed trees, bushes, power washed...
and progress was made!
making progress

view heading into backyard

front yard progress
front area

the hard working group!